Friday, February 6, 2009

Remembering Winter

It is February and the temperature today is supposed to be in the high 70’s. In fact it is supposed to be in the 80’s soon. Nights are now in the 60’s. In fact in the next two weeks I will be planting our tomatoes and peppers. It just doesn’t seem real.

For the last 25 years I experienced real winters. I grew up experiencing real winters. Temperatures reached down in the teens. Ground frozen and the smell of wood burning fireplaces are common experiences during this season. When you step outside there is a sharp sensation that hits you in the face and you fell the snap of cold on your ears. The feel of the fresh cold sheets as they warmed to your body and then the slightest movement was enough to find a cool place under the covers.

The bleakness is only made acceptable by the beautiful colors of autumn that have preceded this lifeless season and the pure driven snow as it turn the world a pristine white in the day and a pale blue under the moonlight. The physical work of getting up earlier than everyone else in order to “stoke” the fire place so the rest will wake in warmth was enjoyable.

The promise of color and life coming soon make this a beautiful part of the year. The contrast of everything mentioned made the spring and summer months more dramatic. I miss those experiences.

Oh I enjoy the fact that short sleeves are the uniform of the day. The early mornings generally in the 50’s (there have been a few in the low 30’s) are just enough to bring chill bumps on your arms before the sun starts warming the land. I enjoy the colors that some of the plants put on during our winter months. I have enjoyed the fact that my garden has flourished with its spinach, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, onions, brussel-sprouts and garlic. But the longing for spring is just not here. I guess in years to come the longing of the cooler winter (compared to the blazing summer) will hold its relief but for now I miss the winter.

For my friends that read this and you walk outside and shiver while thinking how wonderful it would be to live in a constant 70 – 80 degree climate. Stop, smell and feel the wonders of where you are. Enjoy it and remember us!

1 comment:

debbiep said...

I agree with that. I do miss the cold of winter and even the chance of some snow.