Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My New Gadget

My new secret weapon against getting lost and always knowing where to go, THE GARMIN NUVI 200! I just type my destination in and press go; Mandy, the voice in the box, then tells me where to go. (Kind-a sounds like Debbie doesn’t it)

It is a great gadget and we would like to thank President Bush for thinking we could use some extra money. It should probably have been spent differently but we took the advice of the economist who said that it needed to be spent on “retail stuff”.

We have already had a lot of fun with Mandy, however, we have found that she is not infallible. We had to take Dallas (our dog) to a new vet yesterday and Mandy told us we were arriving at our destination on the left; sorry Mandy the vets office was on the right. When we set our home address in and told Mandy to “lead us home” she missed us by 3/10ths of a mile. But she has been right on most of the other locations. Right enough that we trust her. Well we almost trust her. There are times that I know how to get somewhere and Mandy wants me to go another way. You can almost imagine the frustration in her voice as she has to “recalculate” over and over and I ignore her attempts to guide me.

I could put several moral and real-life applications to the Mandy experience. God’s Word is our GPS through life (an original Darrie Crabtree idea) but we chose to follow those instructions or go our own way. Sometimes we seem to make it all right on our own but there are many other times we would have been better off if we would have listened to those directions.

Thanks Mandy for getting us to where we are supposed to be and don’t be to frustrated when I don’t listen. That seems to be a common habit of mine; right Debbie


debbiep said...

I now know that you do realize that you don't listen. Maybe you should try it some time. I know exactly how "Gertrude" feels. Debbie

landall said...

Write something new. I know you think about more than just your garmin.